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Feather Chase
Laser Tag

Laser Tag is a cheap and fun game to play with your cat! All you need is a simple laser beam and your cat will enjoy chasing and jumping at the light beam. Just remember not to shine the laser in your cats eyes as it can hurt them.

Cats LOVE feathers as it brings out the natural bird hunter in them. Feather chaser toys can be bought from stores or can be made at home by attaching feathers, string and even some bells to a rod or stick. This game activates their 'stalk-chase-pounce' hunting behaviour, and is a great workout for cats.

Humans live in a horizontal world, but cats live in a vertical world which relies on elevation to provide safety, comfort, exercise and fun. Cat trees allow cats to climb and jump, exercising their muscles like how they would if they were in the wild. You don't need to invest in an expensive cat tree, you can fix several inexpensive shelves from IKEA and your cat can have hours of fun!


Find the Food
Cat Trees

Cat Exercise Tips


Cats in Singapore are primarily indoor creatures and often lead sedentary lifestyles. However, daily playtime of just 20 minutes a day can help them stay fit and greatly improve their health. Exercise will help your cat burn calories, improve muscle tone, increase bone strength and boost immunity. Overall, it prevents health problems linked to obesity and ensures your cat is happy and healthy. Here are some easy activities you can play with your cat to help him/her keep fit! 

Give your cat a pre-meal workout with this easy exercise. Place your cat's food bowl and place it around the house, moving it just as your cat gets close. Place it at high places and then low places, making your cat jump, climb or crawl. Another idea would be to separate the food and water bowl so your cat has to constantly be on the move during mealtimes.

Cats like toys which make a crinkling sound! All you need for this effortless game is a crumpled ball of paper. Simply roll the paper ball on the floor toward your cat and watch him/her chase, catch and even wrestle it! Just remember to recycle the paper balls after playtime as it can be a safety hazard for them. 

Paper Balls

Create a box arena for your cat by gluing or taping several cardboard boxes together. This will create a fun playground for your cat while encouraging it to jump in and out. You can also put toys inside to encourage your cat to exercise inside. Just be sure to get boxes big enough for your cat!

Box(ing) Arena
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