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Switch to a wet food diet

Most cats in Singapore are fed dry food due to the cheaper price. However, dry food is high in carbohydrates and is dehydrated. It is also heavily processed and subjected to high temperature alterations, resulting in a destruction of nutients.  Therefore, cats on dry food diets do not get enough nutrients and water. In contrast, wet food contains a high amount of  fish or meat, thus being much better suited to a cat's diet. 

Does your cat like to sniff or chew on plants in your house? If so, your cat may have a craving for veggies! A simple solution would be to steam a small floret of broccoli. Not only will it satisfy your cat's cravings, it can also help to clear up any digestion problems. 

Most cats get their source of water from their food. However, with dry food only containing 10% of water, cats on a dry food diet are often slightly dehydrated. To encourage your cat to drink up, you can serve his/her water in a glass or stainless steel bowl as cats may not like the taste of plastic. Also, don't forget to change the water bowl daily as our hot weather in Singapore may cause bacteria to grow. 

Feeding your cat a raw meat diet has various benefits. Firstly, it satisfies their need for protein. Secondly, the chewing of the meat can break tartar and gigivitis of the cat's teeth, acting as a natural toothbrush. Thirdly, their appearance will benefit from this high protein natural diet: cats will develop a shiny coat of fur, healthy skin and brighter eyes. Poultry is a good meat to start with since it is one of the cat's natural foods in the wild.

Drink up
Embrace the Carnivore

Cat Diet Tips


Cats are natural carnivores, which means that they require a high amount of protein in their diets. Carnivores have short digestive systems because they do not need to break down tough cellulose found in plants. Hence, introducing a carbohydrate heavy diet may cause digestion problems. Below are some nifty tips for your feline friend which can provide a well-balanced diet.

To ensure you are't overfeeding your cat, consult your vet or pet nutrionist so they can advice you how much you should be feeding your cat everyday. Following which, you should measure your cat's food consistently to ensure your cat is fed the correct amount of food depending on his/her calorie requirements.

Measure your cat's food
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